Tuesday, January 24, 2017

My advice to EPRDF

My advice to EPRDF is to remember that when you weaken opposition, you are creating masses of people who do not have anyone to listen to. The Ethiopian people today have no trust in courts or the judiciary because you corrupted it. They have no civic organizations to rely on because you destroyed them. They have no military or defensive force they feel serve their best interests or can be relied upon. The more you kill and detain liberal and non-violent people, you encourage violence. During all these years your party has had power, you have repeatedly sought out and created violence believing you can be perpetually in control via military might. But there are no “eternal winners” in this world. When Rome ruled, it was glorious for a time, then it was defeated. Greece was glorious, then was defeated. The Byzantine Empire and many others followed the same course.

Your current path is a very dangerous one. EPRDF, You are like a suicide bomber! If people seek to kill you like Libyans did to Gaddafi, there will be no one who can protect you even for the purpose of bringing you to justice.

Please do the right thing now! Not for the sake of opposition, not even for the sake of the Ethiopian people, just for the sake of your own future, for the sake of the future of your children, and for the sake of the future of the tribe you came from, if you really care for them.

I don’t think you want to see the “States of Nature” the 17th century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes described as; war of all against all, where there is neither personal property nor injustice since there is no law. I don’t think you want to see another Somalia in East Africa…

Finally, please, for your own sake, be serious! የመጨረሻ ዕድላቹን ተጠቀሙ:: By all means negotiate with opposition leaders, provided you make real negotiations, not fake ones like you have done in the past; that is the only remaining option that can save both you and the country. ልቦና ይስጣችሁ::

Nagessa Oddo Dube

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የምጣዱ እያለ የእንቅቡን፤ የእርስ በርስ ግጭት እና የመንግስት ምላሽ

በያሬድ ሃይለማሪያም በተለያዩ የአገሪቱ ክፍሎች አሁንም ግጭቶች መበራከታቸው እና መፈናቀል መቀጠሉ የአገራችንን ፖለቲካ አሳሳቢ እያደረገው እና አገሪቱንም ወደ ችግር ውስጥ እየከተታት ይመስላል። መንግስት ለችግሮቹ የሚሰ...