Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Why Ethiopia hates it people

The world is full of variations. From our skin color, our desires, attitudes, and identities are completely different. There are, of course, some people who have different sexual orientation in the middle. It does not matter, then, that we must leave these inequalities aside, and we must all be the same. If we differentiate between ourselves and not, we should not say that if we do not condemn others and we do not. We must not forget that people have the unlimited right to be self-serving. They have the freedom to live in harmony with their own lives unless they touch us unless we touch them. It is impossible to override the liberties of individuals, even if this is the case of the common people. By the way, we can not just be a monopoly on the whole, people / societies may be unthankful.

In my opinion  Choosing of my  sexual orientation is  individual's privacy and it is  personal freedom. I do not believe that the government or the society should have the power to decide on this issue.

Democracy is not easy. Democracy refers to the protection of minorities from pluralism and the preservation and protection of their interests and interests. Freedom also includes the right to self-determination.

By the way, it should be noted that the same sex has existed since ancient times and has been struggling for centuries. The fact that the Bible is mentioned even extends to the extent of the affair with the children of men. It is also inappropriate to consider the issue as something new today. Misleading an existing political uprising and denouncing a political plot from the West is also wrong. But we must also remember that this same sex relationship has been recognized in the Western world today. This can be understood by turning a page into history. For example, in ancient Greek and Roman times, same-sex sexual relations were considered normal, normal and healthy.

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የምጣዱ እያለ የእንቅቡን፤ የእርስ በርስ ግጭት እና የመንግስት ምላሽ

በያሬድ ሃይለማሪያም በተለያዩ የአገሪቱ ክፍሎች አሁንም ግጭቶች መበራከታቸው እና መፈናቀል መቀጠሉ የአገራችንን ፖለቲካ አሳሳቢ እያደረገው እና አገሪቱንም ወደ ችግር ውስጥ እየከተታት ይመስላል። መንግስት ለችግሮቹ የሚሰ...