Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Separation and fear are TPLF principles and guidelines

In essence, the oppressive and dictatorial government is creating a scary public outcry. To distinguish between people, it is important to create and interpret differences between citizens. Therefore, they should divide the people's ethnicity by race, nationality, language, culture, tradition, religion, psychology, history, ... etc .; It broadens the gap between social, political and economic activities. Widespread social relationships develop a sense of resentment and hatred by the community by emphasizing the harsh historical opportunities. In this way, it creates a spirit of insecurity and uncertainty by individual, group, and community levels.
However, there is no continuing insecurity and suspicion if there is free exchange of information and information. Moreover, despite the spirit of inadequacy and suspicion, despite the rule of law and accountability, there is little chance of creating a fear of fear in most people. Accordingly, it is necessary to limit the fear of fear of the majority of the people; the need to restrict or discontinue the free and informed exchange of information between first-citizen and citizen-free citizens without a second exemption of free will. In this regard, the constitution, the right to freedom of expression and expression, the right to freedom of assembly, peaceful assembly, and the right to organize, the right to have the right to freedom of expression, and so forth, must be restricted or violated.
As noted earlier, the government works to expand the distinction between nationalities: ethnicity, language, culture, customs, religion, psychology, history, ... By highlighting distorted relationships and bad history events, it will undermine hatred and hatred among different sections of society. On the other hand, it restricts the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and to restrict the right to organize and disseminate information and communication between citizens. To that end, legal proclamations that violate the Constitution make rules and directives, set up procedures and make decisions. On the other hand, citizens who have different positions and views from the government have been "imprisoned, moved, escaped from terrorists, ..." etc. For imprisonment: persecution, harassment, death, and disability.
Journalists: Intellectuals: Defenders, Civic Societies: Political and religious leaders arrested, tormented, and persecuted. As a result, free and independent media, civil society, opposition political parties and other democratic institutions will be broken. Furthermore, the NEBE: Anti-Corruption, Ombudsman, Human Rights, and so on, are unable to be independent of the government. In the absence of the rule of law and the rule of law, the right of citizens to justice is completely violated.
If there is a different political position and attitude towards imprisonment, punishment and persecution, and if there is no right to justice for the abuse and exploitation of the people, they are afraid to talk to each other about their thoughts and opinions. If citizens do not speak to each other, they will not believe if citizens do not understand each other, if they do not trust each other, citizens will fear if they do not trust one another and if citizens fear each other, there will be fear in the whole country.
Accordingly, the nationality is based on race, ethnicity, language, culture, tradition, religion, psychology, history, etc. The difference is that fear creates a sense of fear and uncertainty among citizens. Free speech and information will be replaced by a whisper in the community of fear-inspiring community members. Our activities are driven by fear and uncertainty rather than knowledge. Citizens' rights have not been raised in such a situation. They do not work together to promote transparency and accountability in the public order. In this way, if the majority of the population is denied a question of equality and justice, then the government can maintain a single party's supremacy and enjoyment.

Accordingly, the EPRDF constitution is based on the TPLF political and social standpoints and is administered by other groups except the TPLF. Thus, the constitutional order is based on the principle of separation and fear, and the second fundamental benefit is to ensure the supremacy and benefits of the TPLF. Therefore, "to preserve the rule of law" means the same thing as "the Torture of the TPLF." Similarly, "the threat of the constitutional order" means "a threat to the rule of the TPLF." The Draft Laws, which are based on the Constitution, Regulations and Guidelines, Government Institutions, Operations and Decisions, All Things of the Government, are based on the veracity and benefits of the TPLF. Generally, the TPLF's principles, motions, activities, beliefs, practices are all based on separation and fear. Generally, separation and fear are TPLF principles and guidelines.

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